Measuring Guide
Measuring Guide
your exhaustive resource for miniature Lane Cedar Boxes
"Please Remember" Labels on Box Bottoms
Bottom Labels
Lane affixed a label (usually paper) on to the bottom the boxes. Although labels aren't on all boxes today, it is assumed all boxes had a label attached originally. Labels appear on all box variations except all Short versions as the practice of including the label was discontinued in the late 1950's (around 1956-57) likely as a cost savings measure. All messages begin with "Please Remember" but the wording of the paragraph that follows changes slightly over time as well as the border sometimes surrounding the paragraph. In this area an image of all labels found thus far can be viewed along with what box variation they are found upon. Bottom Labels, like other unique features, can be used to estimate the boxes' age or date of manufacture. The labels below are loosely arranged from oldest to newest based upon several other factors like what boxes they appear upon. However labels appear to change more often than other features making them difficult to put into exact order
Found on Tall Hasp Bun Feet (THBF) and Tall Fluted with Feet (TFF).
Quickly recognized by no border with the last word of the paragraph being "catalog" to the far left.
Label 1 . 1

Label 1 . 15
Found on Tall Hasp Bun Feet (THBF).
Quickly recognized by no border with the first line of the last line of the paragraph starting with "trated."

Found on Tall Hasp with Feet (THF)
Quickly recognized by no border with the last word of the paragraph being "catalog" on the far right.
Label 1 . 2

Label 1 . 22
Found on Tall Hasp with Feet (THF)
Quickly recognized by no border with the last word of the paragraph being "catalog" on the far right. Same as Label 1.2 but font on "THE LANE COMPANY" line is different.

Found on Tall Hasp with Feet (THF)
Quickly recognized by no border with the last word of the paragraph being "catalog" on the far right and different than 1.2 because the paragraph is NOT indented and some font is fatter.
Label 1 . 25

Label 1 . 27
Found on Tall Hasp with Feet (THF)
Quickly recognized by no border with the last word of the paragraph being "catalog" on the far right and different than 1.25 because the word spacing is different...notice "match" is the first word in one of the lines...not on other labels.

Label 1.28
Found on Tall Hasp with Feet (THF)
Quickly recognized by no border, indented paragraph with the last word of the paragraph being "catalog" in the middle of the last line.

Found on Tall Fluted with Feet (TFF)
Quickly recognized by no border with the last word of the paragraph being "catalog" mid-right. The little note on this label was very valuable in building the chronology - date 1936.
Label 2 . 1

Found on Tall (T) and Tall Fluted Feet (TFF)
Quickly recognized by no border with the last word of the paragraph being "catalogue" far right.
Label 3 . 1

Found on Tall (T)
Quickly recognized by no border, indented paragraph and the last word of the paragraph is "catalogue" in the middle of the last line.
Label 3 . 2

Label 3.25
Found on Tall (T)
Quickly recognized by no border and probably "catalogue" or "catalog" on the far right. Found on older Tall (T) boxes with double line Lid Logo and small escutcheon. Looking for a better photo...

Label 3 . 3
Found on Tall (T)
Quickly recognized by double dotted border with the last word of the paragraph being "dealers" mid-to-far-right. Same form no. (A-26) as Label 3.2. Likely older than 3.4 because it is found on boxes with older double-line Lid Logos and small escutcheons.

Label 3 . 4
Found on Tall (T) and Short Rounded (SR)
Quickly recognized by double line border with the last word of the paragraph being "dealers" mid-to- far-right. This is a very popular label found on Tall boxes. Newer than 3.3 because found with newer single-line Lid Logos and large escutcheons. Confirmed on box as early as 1948. Also confirmed on a box dated 1956.

Label 3 . 5
Found on Tall (T)
Quickly recognized by double line border with the last word of the paragraph being "miniature" far left.
Label 3 . 6
Found on Tall (T)
Quickly recognized by the fact it is branded to the bottom with the last word of the paragraph being "MINIATURE" far right.
Label 3 . 7
Found on Tall (T)
Quickly recognized by single line border with the last word of the paragraph being "dealers" far right and with a Canadian address.

Label 3.75
Found on Canadian Tall (TFF-C)
Quickly recognized by lack of border with the last word of the paragraph being "catalog" in the middle of the last line.
Label 3 . 77
Found on Canadian Short Round (SR-C)
Quickly recognized by border and the last line is different than label 3.7.

Label/Envelope 4 . 0
This "PLEASE REMEMBER" label has only been found on the bottom of Short Beveled (SB) and Short (S) boxes. It not only is a label like those found on the Tall boxes but it is also the envelope containing the key and stapled to the bottom of the box. Other than it being an envelope, it is quickly recognized by not having a border and "miniature" on the far left.

Label/Envelope 4 . 1
This "PLEASE REMEMBER" label in blue has only been found on a bottom of a Tall (T) box. It not only is a label but it is also the envelope containing the key and stapled to the bottom of the box. Other than it being an envelope, it is quickly recognized because it is blue and "miniature" on the far left. This label was found on a box with "4521" stamped on the bottom. If my hypothesis is correct, it may, therefore date to Dec of 54 - number read backwards.

"Label" 5 . 0
This rubber stamp, and many similar to it (different years, etc), are found on boxes made by Lane and either sold directly to consumers or through retailers and companies like JCPenney's, Disney, etc. Boxes with this type of stamp may or may not have a simple "Lane" (one word, script only) inscription on the inside of the lid. This photo to the right also show a fully rounded bottom, rather than the routed ridge found on most boxes. Boxes with these stamps on the bottom were made after the Girl Graduate Plan was all but discontinued. See Box Variations and Joinery & Bottoms for more details.