Measuring Guide
Measuring Guide
your exhaustive resource for miniature Lane Cedar Boxes
Easily lost items
Accessories & Inserts
Round Key
This round key was included with small escutcheon, screwed-in locksets found in Tall Fluted with Feet (TFF) and some Tall (T) boxes.
Round Brass Key
This special key has only been found accompanying the extra large brass lockset and escutcheon found on a Short (S) box made after the Girl Graduaton Plan.

Round Key with Flat Heart
This key was found in a TFF box. Given it isn't as ornate as the other round versions, speculation is that it was toward the end of the TFF boxes. It is still the same shape as the Round Key above...

Round Key with Flat Heart and round end
This key was found in a Tall box. The box, based on its bottom label and lid logo, is from the late 1940's through the mid 1950's.

Flat Key - Defined Shoulder
This key has been found in the earliest Short boxes from the late 1950's around 1958. Also, this is key was included in the rare Short Jewelry Box probably distributed around the same time. This key is recognized by the two lines scribed to define the shoulder between the head and the shaft of the key. They edges of these keys are usually a little smother. See Key Replacement if you don't have a key.

Flat Key
This is the most popular key included with boxes. This key, along with many other "innovations" reduced costs as it was simply pressed out of a sheet of metal. A box usually came with two keys in a small envelope attached to the box. See Key Replacement if you don't have a key. This key has also been seen in a brass color - usually they are chrome/silver.

Flat Key - Likely after-market
The discoloration around the perimeter of this key suggests it may have been cut out with a laser and most likely not pressed out of a sheet of metal. There is evidence these keys may have been on-hand by Lane toward the end of the miniature program as "extra" keys. However, this is not substantiated. Thus far there is no evidence this key was distributed by Lane with the boxes. The last boxes distributed by Lane contained a "Flat Key" found above. A box usually came with two keys in a small envelope attached to the box. See Key Replacement if you don't have a key.

Flat Key - oval eye/opening
Pretty rare key based on the fact this is the only one found. Same basic shape as the others but without even a hint of the heart shape. This key was found in a Short (S) box.

Padlock and key
This lock and key was included with early boxes that had hasps and hooks. "Eagle Lock Co." is on one side (as seen in photo) and the other side says, "Terryville, Conn., U.S.A." Of course, most of these have been lost with time.

Key envelope
Not many of these little envelopes survive. An envelope would contain usually two keys and most often was stapled to the bottom of the box as is evidenced by the staple remaining in the bottom of the box (toward the right of the label) shown in the inset photo. Cedar wood is very reactive and likely the reason the envelope is stained around the ink.

Graduation Gift Registry
This information request/registry says,
Someone may be looking for the perfect graduation gift for you right now. Choose your favorite Lane Chest, indicate the style here and we'll keep it on file as a gift suggestion to you parents, boyfriend or grandparent. What's more, you'll be helping us and Lane by telling us what styles young women like most.
It's unusual for this to be left in the box as the dealer would collect this from the graduate when the girl arrived at the store but didn't make a purchase. This form contains contact information about the graduate that could be used for marketing later on. The brown around all of the printing in the photo is the ink's reaction to the cedar. This was found in a Short box and the graduate's birth date is March 5, 1965 - meaning this box was likely presented June of 1983.

Label/Envelope 5 . 0
This is the only "PLEASE REMEMBER" label ever found on the bottom of a Short (S) box. It not only is a label like those found on the Tall boxes but it is also the envelope containing the key and stapled to the bottom of the box. Other than it being an envelope, it is quickly recognized by not having a border and "miniature" on the far left.

Thank you instructions
This is the only label of this type found so far. It was found stapled under Label 5.0 on the bottom of a Short (S) box. See notes for Label 5.0 for more details.

Locking System Instructions
Sorry about the picture quality. As you can see, this message contains instructions about how to use the flat key and lock.

Graduate Discount Certificate
A primary reason for the Girl Graduate gift was to sell the large full-sized Lane Cedar Chests. This is an example from 1975 showing a $10.00 discount that is good for about a month after the visit to the store.